Sunday, September 6, 2009

What are they thinking?

It's been a century I didn't write my blog...sometimes just have a mood to step into here to drop some words. But when I stepped into this blank page, I have really nothing to write...but eventually there's a lot of things rolling in my mind. Why???

Talk about adults...sometimes adults are really ridiculous. Maybe their faces are more important than children...or teenagers for a so-call me. They just won't apologize for what they have done wrong or what what what bla bla bla...they will just do one thing:defend themselves. Women forget all those things they don't want to remember, and remember everything they don't want to forget. The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly.

Maybe there would be a 'adult and children' debate. I think this argument will never last forever. So as the people of the century Albert Einstein, there will be a debate of the century...or until the century...haha. So then, back to adults...not willing to complain themselves or's just that sometimes it's kinda obloquy to children.....I asked a 5-year old guy and then he said,"Why adults won't say sorry but children must?" Now that's finally a guy who loved me...tahahaha. Now, I agree with this. I saw the post in don't know where and then a person asked this question to a teacher too...but the teacher said that adults knew what they did wrong and know how to correct it plus won't do that again. they?? Like they all having a one-night-stand and said,"Oh god...what have I done?? I'm not going to do this again." But eventually you will see he's/she's in bed with a person sleeping again...don't you?

Everybody makes do they. Frankly speaking they also don't know how to correct themselves(but some will) and a great example is my family with adults...approximately except for me,all people in my family are you can see how my life is. Boohoo!!!

Anyway...just wanna say that adults are trying to defend themselves to cover their mistakes...and if they have nothing to defend they will change subjects, at a forcing way.Example like a girl talking to her boyfriend,"Hey baby let's forget this thiing. What if we hang out to the mall to have some shopping??" and if her boyfriend has the mistake, they will say,"HELL YOU wanna change subject?? I want you to have a good explanation for what you have done!!" So you can see how adults are ridiculous, especially women... But I think I will be an adult next time, a so not ridiculous adult.